psych profile

my psychological profile

"Mysticism is humanity’s deepest quest for Self Knowledge."

You're on the left and libertarian spectrum of the political compass! You question authority and are deeply distrustful of hierarchy. You believe strongly in personal liberty and individual freedoms. You firmly believe in a self-governed and non-hierarchical society with maximum individual freedoms for all. You support women's rights, gay rights, and liberal attitudes on sex. You, however, favor collectively owned property and an economy that guarantees equality and opportunity. You believe in strong communities and favor a cooperative economy over dog eat dog capitalism. You're a lefty, but you hate big government just as much as the next libertarian!

You have a very stable personality!

You are happiest when your life plans have been 'cast in iron'. You're convinced that it's possible to achieve harmony and peace of mind without changing anything, and that changes simply stress you out. You are very attentive, but sometimes you can miss important details which might help you see the bigger picture.

You have the ability to pay attention to your feelings, and know the difference between your needs and your desires. You have a fairly stable opinion of yourself. You know what your strong points are, you respect yourself and no how to show off your positive qualities.

Stability for you means personal development and growth. The two most important things for you are consistency and planning. Sometimes you feel confusion and fear in the face of change, and prefer to avoid it if you can. On the other hand, when you face a situation you are familiar with, you handle it with an enviable degree of calm. You're responsible and carry out the things you promised to do. If you stop fighting with yourself, a fantastic career and the respect of those around you will be yours.

You're the creative surrealist

You're a blast from the future with your revolutionary thinking and mental creativity. Whether you feel like an old soul or completely lost in this world, you're a surrealist at heart. You may not realize it yet, but you see the world through a unique lens that very few people can relate to. This may be frustrating to you at times but it also gives you incredible insight. You have a way of seeing things that enables you to create, think, see, dream and speak in completely radical and new ways. You have the mind of an artist. Tap into your creative potential and you can make a huge impact.

The Giver

You are a very friendly and warm person. You have great people skills and you are not afraid of speaking your mind. You are very caring - in fact, you probably take better care of others than you do of yourself. Don't forget - your own happiness is no less important.

the poetic do-gooder

You are a true idealist, always searching for the good in people and for a way to make things calmer and better. Some perceive you as shy and reserved, but you have a passionate flame inside of you that once sparked, will illuminate and effect everyone around you. You are the type of person who constantly feels misunderstood. You are strongly guided by your morals and principles rather than logic or practicality. What you feel is the right thing is very important to you. You expect a lot from other people, as you are a loyal, compassionate and intuitive friend. You are a gifted orator and when you speak to people, you know how to make them feel as if they are the most special person in the world. Social justice and performing good deeds for other people is extremely important to you and it' a part of your altruistic nature.

You are the Curious Learner

you are persistent and self-motivated. You balance skepticism with open-mindedness, and never take things at face value. You think systematically and analytically, and your intelligence is well above the average. You are detail-oriented; notice what others overlook; and can categorize data in an efficient way so it can be later easily recalled. Most importantly, you are humble and unselfish. You never disparage others.

You are a General Knowledge Guru!

It took you years to choose a major, and you still don't know what you want to be when you grow up. The books on your shelf cover a wide array of topics, and you can't really pick a favorite. People are always surprised at the expertise you exhibit on so many different subjects.

the Executive

You are a very assertive person. You know exactly what you want, how you want it, and what is the best way to get it. You are a natural born leader with an impressive list of accompaniments a zero tolerance policy towards inefficiency

Your Type - INTJ

Expert - Unique and pursuing excellence.

You have many creative thoughts. You always try to turn your ideas into fact tirelessly reaching your goal that you set for yourself. You can understand the connotative model of the outer world and think with a long term perspective. Once you make a commitment, you make a plan and accomplish it. You are very independent and skeptical. You always have a high standard no matter if its for yourself or other people. Responsible, punctual, and thorough, you are temperamentally well-suited for long-term planning and execution. You like to familiarize yourself with the facts and think things through, and you tend to shake your head at people who neglect the importance of committing properly to a goal. Once committed, you tend to find it easy to muster the discipline and patience required to stay the course, even in the face of distractions that would make others change directions or abandon the endeavor. You tend to come across as serious and you are generally not one to wear your heart on your sleeve. But as those closest to you have probably seen, you also have a sentimental streak and a wry sense of humor underneath the stern facade. Because you are so diligent in approaching your projects, you may at times be caught off guard by sudden changes which arise in a flash and which are hard to guard against. Steady and purposeful, and endowed with a good deal of common sense, you exhibit an enviable thoroughness and attention to detail that makes you well-suited to taking on long-term commitments and leading them to triumph by way of the sure and steady approach.

Your Enneagram personality type is the Reformer

You are deeply driven by the pursuit of perfection. Whether in your personal life or your professional pursuits, you know that you're cable of the best and you're unwilling to settle for any less. You resent corruption, inefficiency and and imbalance. Your drive for perfection can often come across as arrogance or hypocrisy, but your desire to shake things up is sincere. When balanced you have the remarkable ability to change things for the better. Be patient, trust yourself, and work towards making life as perfect as you know it can be!

Kind and thoughtful, your spirit is in line with the practices of Buddhism

More at peace with philosophy than religion, your spirituality rests within wells of knowledge and wisdom. You have a deep appreciation for life and the makings of our reality. For you, knowledge is sacred - as are acts of kindness and sincerity. Buddhism centers on happiness and wisdom, and the sanctity of inner peace - all things you hold in high regard.

Buddhism avoids paying much attention to deities, but places great importance on self-discipline, meditation and compassion. It is through these avenues that its followers achieve the equivalent of a spiritual union with higher powers. As a result, Buddhism is sometimes regarded more as a philosophy than a religion.

You have Guru Karma

Guru is a Sanskrit term for "teacher" or "master". After many lifetimes of learning, your highly evolved soul has come back one more time to convey life's deepest lessons to those around you. You are here to be a light unto the world through your remarkable potential to inspire great change and healing. You're wise far beyond your years and truly grounded. you Have found the Guru within?

You hold a progressive and positive energy 

that is on a higher level than the average human being. You believe life has a balance and devote a lot of time towards trying to achieve it. Your energy is healthy and you enjoy working out and being surrounded by doers-energetic, productive people who do things that inspire you, however as yang comes with ying, you do like to indulge in the odd vice once in a while - fortunately you know how best to recover from your occasional splurges and balance is soon restored.

golden seeker AKA chosen one
You are a Chosen One which means you are a Golden / Seeker Your primary sub-type is defined by "Golden" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Seeker" characteristics.

That means you're warm, giving, knowing, and patient. Chances are you're not afraid to actively pursue your goals and dreams. As if all that weren't enough, you pretty much set the standard for emotional health by being filled with positive feelings and energy.

You follow the Light

You walk through life in the light. You are a teacher and a guide to others. You create harmony in the world.

You're the SAGE

According to Carl Jung, the sage represents wisdom and the search for truth. You are wise beyond your years, patient and a deep thinker. You're driven by a thirst for knowledge. One of your greatest fears is being ignorant, misled, or duped. You're incredibly intelligent but you risk over analyzing until you're incapable of actually making a decision. You're an old soul and wise beyond your years, but Jung would tell you don't get lost in the clouds!

By virtue of your own journey, you can describe yourself as a MYSTIC

because a mystical person is someone who lives in harmony with her or his objective consciousness, intuition, and feelings. Being a mystic does not mean being perfect: in the first instance, it simply means being aware of what would need to be done, in order to become so."

You carry yourself with humility and possess a tremendous amount of self-awareness

You exhibit traits of a truly selfless and caring person, who rarely seeks attention or credit. You are well within the spectrum of a normal and healthy self-image, but you are less concerned with yourself than most people. You don't put too much stock in physical possessions, and instead focus your time and energy on building your character and supporting those around you.

You are level headed and self actualized. 

You know who you are and how you fit into the grand scheme of things. Never one to fall for peer pressure, you live life the way you want to!

You have perfect morals

You’re selfless with a heart of gold, and you would never dream of hurting anyone or anything. You know when you see right and wrong, and you stand by your convictions. We need more people like you!

People whose search for truth is Agnostic see all the different ways of finding meaning, and accept – but do not fully believe – all of them. Perhaps merit is something you can attain; perhaps it is something that can only be found within; perhaps it does not exist in any meaningful fashion at all. Being able to see all of these different perspectives at the same time is what sets the Agnostic apart.

The Agnostic are insightful, understanding, and calm. Their perception allows them to engage with many different people, although that same understanding means that they are unlikely to truly ‘belong’ anywhere. Where they are interested in personal politics, they perform well in positions that allow them to work as mediators or advisors. Where they are not, they usually cultivate a specialist or technical skill that makes them sufficiently vital to be afforded stability and flexibility without needing them to be too engaged.

People who have an Agnostic approach to life may be religious or atheistic - but if they are, they are likely to accept the validity of perspectives outside the one they have chosen."

Magistrates, like you, enjoy intense conversations and analysis, and value effective communication.

Based on your associations with the abstract, you are a dramatic, creative, self-confident person. 

You are hungry for life and love having a good time with people always around you. You love challenges and using your mind to solve the most difficult problems or using your strong arguing skills to get yourself out of tricky situations. Sometimes you can get consumed by your own ego and ignore the needs of others, but most of the time you have too many friends because you are so generous and loyal. Arrogance and laziness are flaws that you can sometimes exhibit, but when you are set on achieving something, and passionate about what you are doing, you will stop at nothing to succeed. You are sincere and expressive with your heart and love communicating how you feel to those you mean the most to you. Your zest and energy is contagious.

you are the kind of person who pays attention to very close detail. You have a deep sense of humanity and you understand people well - you are tender but also cautious. You have a fairly organized life and have a well-developed sense of speech and writing as well as other forms of communication. You often assume the care-taking role in your relationships with others. One of your greatest flaws is that you are highly critical of yourself which can cause you to stress out easily. You make an excellent lover and crave the feeling of being desired and appreciated. You give great advice and people trust you for guidance and wisdom.

You are a great leader 

because you know how to steer conversations towards practical ends, but you do so with finesse. You excel at analyzing situations and digesting data, and then explaining the important points to others. You are incredibly persuasive, and are able to reach and connect to large groups of people. However, your highly competent nature and little tolerance for wasting time often causes you to take on big projects alone instead of including others. Sometimes your strong nature can be taken as overbearing, but those who take the time to get to know you understand that you are simply a no-nonsense kind of person. It is this attitude that is your strongest asset!

Confident Leader
You are a natural-born leader. You are very self-reliant and intuitive. You are also quite calm and even-keeled. People trust you to keep things under control. In fact, you are a slow eater because you like to be in control. You are mindful about what you’re consuming. You also have the incredible ability to understand your surroundings. You definitely know how to appreciate life and make the most out of it.

You were born with the talent of guiding others!

 You know how to motivate people, how to show them the right path and how to get people to respect you. Nothing can go wrong with you as the guiding hand.

You're the Mastermind! 

Based on the words you use, you're a natural born leader with strong logical decision making skills and a remarkable ability to succeed. You always lead with your head and you pride yourself on your ability to be logical and objective. You see the world exactly as it is and you know how to make it work for you. cautiously wise, extremely clever, and discerning. You can learn fast, adapt, and execute in an almost superhuman way. You tend to see in ways many people don't -- and you've been known to think outside-the-box from the time you were in your mother's womb.

You have a strong set of core beliefs and you continually weigh the risks and potential outcomes of any situation that comes your way. You are not overly concerned with the opinions of others and have realized that even though you can’t please everyone, as long as you stay true to yourself, you’ll be just fine. You don’t waste your energy pondering about things that you can’t control which allows you to focus on productive tasks like developing new skills. You are self-confident and opinionated. You have an outstanding capability to apprehend challenging organizational problems and create concrete resolutions. You are excited by innovative ideas, value knowledge and competence, and have little patience for inefficiency.

Creative, industrious and capable, others look up to you and easily follow your lead. Your personality is that of a true thinker and leader! Your potential is boundless, we're expecting great things from you!

Creative Master
You've got creative juice flowing all over your body. Everything is a canvas to you. You effortlessly make things exactly as you see them in your head, and you easily out-innovate everyone else around you. You live to create and you create to live. Simply, the universe is your playground, and you're totally rocking it!

You're quintessential architect: intelligent, organized and innovative.! 

Here's what the most important psychologists in history would say about your in one sentence:

Sigmund Freud: "Your intelligence and success is clearly rooted in a strong super ego and an undeniable phallic fixation".

Carl Jung: "You are a living and breathing manifestation of Apollo, the sun god of logic, truth and prophecy!"

B.F. Skinner: "Your intelligence and organizational skills are the result of strong positive reinforcement when you were a child."

100% logical

You are a highly rational thinker! You use logic and common sense to make decisions and react to different situations. There are obviously times when you use emotions to dictate your behavior, but hey, you're only human! You should feel proud that you are intellectual, mature and able to guide your life using reason and rationale!

Your most prominent personality trait is how innovative you are! 

People tend to notice how naturally creative and crafty you are when they first meet you, and how can we blame them? Your quick-witted, refreshingly insightful, and original in your personal ideas. You're a true thinker which allows you to be unique at any problem solving task that's in front of you and this is why others value you your company so much.

Your mental age is 28, and your mental personality type is The Inspirer

You never stop learning, you are not afraid to act on things that matter, and you feel the concerns of others. Your intelligence and intuitiveness are the most prominent features of your character, and despite your random impulsiveness, you use them wisely. You are outgoing and optimistic, yet profound. You are The Inspirer.

You're the Joker! You're a natural born performer. You're quirky, energetic, spontaneous and unpredictable. You shake things up and you have a remarkable ability to electrify any room that you enter. You've taken the path less traveled in life and that's what makes you so unique. You have a highly developed inner world and you're more introspective than others often realize. When in trouble, your famous wit and impressive resourcefulness always come to the rescue!



The things that you saw in the test cards show that you have an optimistic personality, are out-going, happy most of the time and have a healthy and strong mind. When you face a problem in life you tend to focus on the positive side of things, even if sometimes this might seem hard. You’re very courageous and active and easily dive into new challenges, rather than hide, avoid or run from them. Your capacity to adapt to new situations is high above the average which makes you an easy-going person always surrounded by lots of people and good friends. Good for you!

Based on what you see in these inkblots, you have a perfect balance of optimism and pessimism. You tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, but you don't fully trust people until you get to know them. You may have had some negative experiences in life, but you still try to maintain a positive attitude.

You are a gentle person

When others see you, they know that you can do great things. Your modest demeanor makes others love you even more. You treat others just like you would want to be treated by them. You love all living beings and try to do as much as possible for other people. You are friendly and loyal - there should be more people like you in this cruel world.

You're a dreamer

Dreamers have the special gift to receive messages and reveal truths in their dreams. When you fall asleep, your dreams work as a channel between the spirit world and the real world. You know to never interpret your dreams literally, for they always contain some hidden meaning or symbolism. You almost always remember your dreams and without fail they deeply reflect the inner truths of what's happening around you. You often find yourself saying "I just dreampt about you!" to friends and loved ones. Your dreams are a channel for you to learn the deepest truths about this life, use your gift wisely and help the rest of us out in the process.

You are Clairvoyant

You possess an amazing psychic power to see situations way clearer than most. You can even foretell the future. In many cultures you are considered a "seer" because your ability to see far into the future is incredible. You have the ability to make powerful predictions. Your premonitions are usually spot on, and when they're not it's because you've second guessed yourself. You also have extremely vivid dreams that you can easily recall. Always go with your first intuitive hunch because you're always right. You have to start giving yourself more credit. Cultivate your gift by keeping a journal of your intuitive hits and of your dreams. Revisit your journal often to see how much your psychic gift is growing!

Everyone trusts you! You are kind, loyal, and would never do anything to harm your loved ones. You are the first person your friends go to to confide in because you are always there for them and would not gossip about their problems. People also feel comfortable trusting you with their prized possessions because you are responsible. You would be a great person to work with because others can always count on you.

You're a romanticist with a mild-temper and wonderfully weird imagination. You're meticulous and creative, but easily overwhelmed by your surroundings. In other words, you spot the little things that not everyone notices. People love spending time with you, and you're the type of person who can get along with just about anybody.

Romanticism actually emphasizes intense emotion, such as awe, apprehension, and horror, as a source of aesthetic experience. As a Romanticist, you are self-possessed and conscientious. You can be depended on to follow through. You are stable and realistic, and value security and tradition. You are extremely methodical, and you carry a rich inner world of observations about society.

the way you perceive reality is identical to 2% of the population! You have an extremely wild imagination and have no problem analyzing and speculating even the most proven theories and factual evidence. You like to believe that there's more to existence than the black and white construct in which average members of society conform to, and you're not afraid the question the ordinary and discover the abnormality or hidden truth we're told to believe. Some may say that you have your head in the clouds and lack a logical mindset, but they just don't understand that there's more to world around us that simply meets the eye.

Your most dominant intelligence is intrapersonal!

You're introspective, sensitive and a naturally deep thinker

According to Howard Gardner the intrapersonal intelligence has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. This refers to having a deep understanding of the self; what one's strengths or weaknesses are, what makes one unique, being able to predict one's own reactions or emotions. You're incredibly self-aware, independent and your inner emotional and spiritual life is rich. You're a natural poet at heart and your ability to influence the world with your ideas is incredible. You are truly a remarkable and unique individual!

Your talent is your linguistic/verbal skills or in other words... you are word smart! 

You have an eloquent and sophisticated way of expressing yourself verbally as well as in writing.
You are passionate about literature, history and current events. You also have a knack for pursuing and learning new languages. You have a charismatic personality and because of you are talented in many areas of communicating, you also have strong interpersonal and interpersonal skills. You are social, people smart and extremely self-aware.

You scored the Crown Chakra, representing the ability to be fully connected spiritually.

 You possess universal higher consciousness, the part of a human being that is capable of transcending their animalistic instincts. You have a grasp on the meaning of life and an immense amount of wisdom. You are selfless and a wealth of information. You stand by your beliefs and values but you're also open to hearing others and understanding what they believe. You are humble and have faith in humanity. Your knowledge and understanding helps you guide yourself and others. You find solace and inner peace in what you put out to the world and our Universe.

You're perfectly balanced! 

You're grounded, mature, creative and an inspirational blend of energy and calm. You know when to be over the top and you know when to sit back and chill out. You've struck a perfect balance, giving you a peaceful vibe that attracts other balanced people. You roll with the punches in life but you always keep the inner zen. You're emotionally stable, healthy, and can handle any challenge that comes your way. Your balanced personality keeps the rest of us sane!

You're a very relaxed person because you have found inner peace! You have learned to organize your thoughts and all influences from the outside. This has helped you find out what is really important in life. You can't please everyone and you don't bother trying to. You don't let anything or anyone mislead you.

You have a deep understanding of the human mind and a profound comprehension of human emotions. You can often guess what a person is feeling just by looking at their face and tend to be quite empathetic and compassionate. You tend to be a good listener and enjoy hearing other people's stories. You understand the human need for connection and enjoying playing your part. You're the perfect mix of an introvert and extrovert, which makes you incredibly relatable.

The TAO is the ancient symbol that best represents you! The ancient Chinese symbol represents a harmonious balance and code of behavior that rely on principles and ethics. You like to live your life as a determined individual, but only enjoy acquiring the assets you desire in a righteous, fair manner. You receive what you give back to the world, and what you choose to give is good will, humility and a touch of meaningful tough love here and there.

You are an inspiring being. You are complex, love life (most of the time), and generally see things very optimistically. You can't help but go in the direction of your dreams... And when you get lost, or are in a precarious situation, you find the silver lining, which is what others love about you (and what makes you so inspiring). You've been through your fair share of challenges in life, and can get down, but for the most part you see the beauty in the world and believe in the good in people. Your positive outlook and persistent nature keep you going, and inspires everyone else along the way!

You're very sensible and authentic -- the furthest thing away from superficiality. You like to keep it honest and real. You find that being showy is ridiculous, so you care about what you need and what makes sense for you instead of what others might tell you so. You don't waste money on flashy things, rather you'd save them up to do something worthwhile and extremely rewarding. It'd be really fun to know what you're up to right now.

You have psychic potential

You guessed half of the cards correctly! You may not communicate with spirits, read minds, or tell the fortune but you have a naturally psychic intuition that never fails to push you in the right direction! You're emotions are strong and you feel your way through big decisions in life. You have had a few bizarre experiences in life that just can't be explained. You know that deep down you have an unlocked potential to tap into things beyond our day to day reality. Listen to your gut, goosebumps or inner voice because the psychic energies are there!

Your name reflects your uncanny ability to encourage others with your enthusiastic and energetic disposition. Your life has been filled with many twists and turns, yet you always manage to land on your feet after experiencing challenging circumstances. You really are an example to us all!

You are a very loving, faithful, and benevolent human being. Your affection and love is pure and authentic -- based on a deep soul-to-soul connection . You are reliable and honest, and you admit that you are not perfect. In a world full of superficial people, you are truly a rare gem to find!

You give freely, without thought for yourself. People like you because you are willing to give of yourself to help them. You are helpful, giving, and kind.

You're an outgoing person who likes to meet new people and is the type to always connect with strangers on the street, online, or at the office. You're likely to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends - their problems and concerns, how to make their day, or what they're doing right now. You've got a good heart and are a gentle soul, and will likely always be surrounded by people who care for you

Intellectual and driven, you would've been an Egyptian Scribe! To some, this may seem like the most boring possible result, but not you! Knowledge is power, and for you and your innate intelligence - it is a way of life. Egyptian scribes were high up on the social ladder, and very important allies to everyone from merchants and nobleman to priests and even Pharaohs. Scribes went through rigorous schooling to become masters of the Egyptian hieroglyphic systems, and were generally some of the only citizens who could read or write in one of the first civilizations to truly master a written language. Your position would have been one of wealth, involvement, and influence in an otherwise harsh ancient world.

You have a master’s degree. You set your goals and you make them real. You always establish your own field of standards, and maintain a mindset for success. You are flexible and responsible, and aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Go Master!


It's hard to describe you well in one paragraph because, let's face it, it's against your very nature to be confined to anything. When you think something is possible, you'll never take no for an answer. And when you spot corruption or injustice in the world, you're willing to go to any length to eradicate it. Liberty is your essence in life. And for it, there's almost nothing you wouldn't do.

Yours is a tale of rebellion and adventure! 

Your life has been exciting and fulfilling. While you have experienced some ups and downs, you managed to remain resilient and learned how to smile in the face of fear.... “The Diary of a Travelling Renegade”.... is a legendary account of your interactions with friends, family members and lovers as well as a triumphant tale of success! This book is so exciting that it will definitely be turned into a movie!

You're the Idealistic Rebel! 

You are a true rebel, but not necessarily in the typical sense where you're protesting or fighting against the man! You are perfectly capable of this, but your core is the ability to see radically new solutions and use your creativity to push the limits of social convention. Rebels enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, you've expressed more than once the phrase "don't box me in!". You march to the beat of your own drummer. Use your radical talents to bring about the change you wish to see in the world!

you see life like a fighter

To say that life hasn't been easy on you is an understatement. While most people struggle with a few bumps along the way, you had to overcome dozens.
These struggles have forced you to look at life through the eyes of a fighter, a warrior. You are always ready for the next challenge, and when you feel that life is "too easy" you find yourself a new battle.
Although this has helped you along the years, it is not the best way to live your life. You should take off the fighter's goggles and see the world through your own eyes. Sure, struggles are still going to be there, but at least you would be able to appreciate life's beauty as well.

You are the Uninhibited Warrior. You were a warrior in your past life! 

Your personality reveals a strength and fighting spirit that few can match. You're strong, determined, dedicated, and willing to sacrifice for what you believe in. Your past life was very difficult and full of struggle, but you were incredibly courageous and achieved a great deal. There's a fire within you that will take you far in life. You may have had some rough patches already in this life, but rely on your inner warrior because nothing can stop you!

You set high standards and are not afraid of challenges. You take risks, enjoy experimenting, and have great potential to explore and lead others. Your enthusiasm is admirable, you prefer being independent, and do not like being told what to do. Although you may take on a belligerent, harsh exterior, you tend to be remarkably tender and bighearted.

You are a SURVIVOR ! You can face hard times and make your own way in the world. You are a honest and loyal friend, always there for those that need you. You would be most comfortable in the Medieval era either as a knight defending the castle or as a member of Robin Hood's band of thieves.


You are misunderstood by the feeble-minded and mysterious to the faint of heart. To those who can see below the surface however, you are highly fascinating and truly lovable. It might take a second for you to warm up, but once you do, you're leagues ahead of everyone else. You are authentic and extremely versatile

Being a True Friend

You are a peoples person and your loved ones are your first and most concern. You easily understand that not everything is truly as it seems on the surface and that everyone has different perspectives. You consciously make an effort to be the reliable companion during other’s struggle and you try to help others see the bigger picture and not get lost on the nuances. Your friends are lucky to call you a true friend.

Being Trustworthy is your Most Dominant Character Trait!

Anyone who is close to you knows that they can come to you to keep a secret or to confide their deepest feelings in confidence. You firmly believe in the power of honesty, but you also uphold the true meaning of dependability, assuring those around you that they can trust you with more than just secrets. This may be something as complicated as money or as simple as keeping a promise. Either way, you set the bar high for being trustworthy, which is an important character quality to have.

Everyone trusts you! You are kind, loyal, and would never do anything to harm your loved ones. You are the first person your friends go to to confide in because you are always there for them and would not gossip about their problems. People also feel comfortable trusting you with their prized possessions because you are responsible. You would be a great person to work with because others can always count on you.

You are incredibly self assured.
You know exactly what you like and your opinions and preferences are set in stone. If life were a theater, you would always sit in the same seat. In other words, you are very self assured and your values have been instilled within you since you were a child. While you are definitely open to new experiences, you rarely stray from what you love. You are confident in your abilities and are able to articulate yourself well in almost every situation. You always stay true to yourself and people admire your individuality!

You're a KIND HEARTED, genuine human being. People look at you and see that you shine greatness. Your humble attitude makes everyone love you even more. You treat others the way you would want to be treated. You have love for all living things. You do for others as much as you can. You're friendly, and loyal. There needs to be more people like you in the cruel world.

You have the blast from the past personality type! Based on the words you use, you're reserved, traditional, intelligent and somewhat formal. Your charm and style clearly belong to a different time. You value hard work, independence and the finer things in life. You're introspective and sensitive but you're direct and easily see through people. You appreciate understatement, especially in humor, and there's nothing that upsets you more than over the top displays of emotion. You're pure class and a true blast from the past!

You’re Just Too Intelligent

Einstein’s got nothing on you! You’re one smart cookie with the ability to recall facts at the drop of a hat! Although sometimes you doubt your abilities, the truth is, most people wonder how you get to be so brilliant! Perhaps it’s thanks to your determined spirit and natural keenness for learning new things, but either way, you should probably audition for Jeopardy because with your sharp wit and eagerness to challenge yourself to try new things, you’re totally going to win big!

Wisdom of God

Your most dominant wisdom is of God! You hold spirituality and a sense of faith as two primary values, mainly because you believe in the narrative of equality and kindness between all living beings. You do your best to remain a non-judgmental person with pure intentions, and with the installation of belief and a high power you find that it's easiest to live your life similar to the meaningful guidelines of an unknowing force who only wants to spread love and happiness.

You have an abundance of common sense! You ranked in the 90%th percentile, which means that you are able to answer difficult questions correctly that the average person would not be able to. You analyze problems literally, and are able to see past trickery or distractions to come to solutions more easily than normal people. You have a mind for science and math, and intricate problem solving. Well done!

OPENNESS signifies that you appreciate art, emotion, and adventure. You are inquisitive and unbiased, and your unusual ideas continuously nourish your intellectual curiosity. Your creative, imaginative, independent spirit indicates a clear preference for novelty and a variety of activities. You’re quick to understand things, full of ideas, and take your time to reflect on things. Your score marks a tendency to be aware of your feelings, and shows that you are most likely to hold unconventional beliefs.

You're a wild flower. You like to be spontaneous. You live life to the fullest. People look up to you because you have such a bright soul. You stay out of drama. You have nothing but good intentions. You're nice to everyone until they give you a reason not to be. You love to have fun but also know when it's time to be responsible. You keep secrets, and you are very loyal.

You don't need us to confirm what you already know, but we're going to do it anyway: You are, without question, totally badass. That's a pretty damn impressive feat, given the fact that most people haven't ever really *lived* a single day of their life. Sucks to be them, right?

You are the Coquette! To perfect this art of seduction you must be a true badass with impeccable self control. You may play the hot and cold game quite frequently but that's because you're smart enough to know you should always leave them wanting more. You know how to excite others with the snap of your fingers; you may use your soft tone of voice, a contagious laugh or a wink of the eye, but you never give in to your own temptation in order to heighten the temptation of others. You may think we're calling you a tease, but what we're really trying say is that you're just really good at building up a fantasy. A little mystery never killed anyone, right?

Sexy intellectual

You are a smart individual who holds to your beliefs and opinions. You aren't afraid to voice your opinions and ideas, and this is one aspect that makes you so sexy to others. You have faith in your ability to solve problems, and others are inspired by your fierce determination and ability to solve issues with grace and natural ease. You aren't strictly a thinker though... You like to escape your tendency to overthink, and you enjoy seeing the world. You are intrigued by other cultures and love to travel to foreign destinations. Life is one great learning experience, and others value your depth of knowledge and keen perspectives.

You are the dominant personality. This doesn't mean that you are into S&M. This personality is related with the fact that you like to control the show when the lights are turned off, and you like to be the head of the sex action. You get along with the passive personality, because of their willingness to succumb to your desires.

You are the Charmer! Flattery, relaxation, and great listening skills encompass the art of your seduction. You can be quite dangerous when you come across your desired target since you always find the perfect way to make them tick the way you want them to. You're especially talented at making people feel good about themselves and override any insecurities they may have, recreating yourself as their source for pleasure and prolonged comfort. Those you set your sights on never have a chance to look past your smoldering advances and tempting connection, which explains how the spell you cast on them is so hard to break out of!

You're irresistible! Social, poetic, charming and smooth, its impossible to say no to you. Whether it's the way you talk, the way you dress or your confidence, there's something about you that captivates an audience. There's an air of charm and magic that follows you wherever you go and which makes you such a successful lover. When someone is loved by you, their entire world becomes wrapped up in your unique charm. Like the song "It's now or never", your love is intense, urgent, and all-consuming. It's now or never, get out there and dazzle all those love birds with your magnetic pull!

Your secret strongest emotion is love!

Your subconscious is hiding a deep and passionate love. It may be a romantic love or a passion in life, either way you are deeply in love with someone or something. The Tarot reveals a true romance, love affair, or strong passion ruling your subconscious and directing your actions from behind the scenes. You're sensitive and may even be a bit vulnerable, but you have a great deal of kindness and compassion for those around you. If you're currently in a relationship, this is one of the, if not THE, great love of your life. Listen to your heart, and you'll never go astray!

Love is literally the force that drives you! You use your strong, warm emotions to guide you through life, whether it's in your career, social life or romantic life. You always follow your heart, do what you like and what gets you excited, and you never suppress negative feelings. You tell people how you feel when you feel it, and you don't feel ashamed!

Though you may have gone through some tough times, you continue to march on in life. Your emotions are always under control which allows you to think clearly in difficult situations. It's great that you always remain calm but don't forget it's ok to let other people come in and help you!

HOPELESS ROMANTIC! Even when times get tough, you believe in the power of love! You live for love and romance because it makes your life a thrilling adventure. Keep wishing and hoping and everything will work out in the end.

Nothing says romance author quite like a seductively "normal" first name followed by a color for a last name, and you're a romantic aren't you? Oh yes, your own tales of wanton lust and reckless love shall make fingers tremble upon pages! But as any romance author worth their snuff knows - the cover is just as important as the pen name. Lucky for you, you'll get to spend hours pining over shirtless couples grasping each other with an ominous mansion/castle in the background in order to choose said cover. Throw in a churning, thunderous sky or a rose for good measure and the world is yours for the grasping! Er... taking!

you're an Omega PLDN-10

You`re A wild lover.. You Can Do Anything Known To Mankind Plus Much Much More In The Sack. You Are Willing To , and Do Try New Things Out Constantly. No One Is A Better Lover Than You ! ;) 

 sexual profile type 


Your sexual personality is determined by your sexual persona (Omega), 4 sexual scales (Emotional/Physical, Look/Touch, Daring/Modest, Verbal/Non-verbal), and your libido score (10). 

As an Omega, you are someone who feels sexy, looks sexy, and really knows the ropes when it comes to lovemaking. Your sex appeal is more overt than others and your sexual confidence and awareness are particularly high.

How do we know this? How do we know that you focus more on the physical than the emotional connection with your partner while having sex? 

Because while you were taking the test, you answered different kinds of questions — questions that measured what you're like in bed as well as your sex appeal, sexual confidence and sexual awareness. 

You just love to love, don't you? We can tell that you're a die-hard romantic who appreciates the deep sentiment that loving, meaningful words and actions bring to life. Love and romance go hand-in-hand for you, so you adore pouring on the terms of endearment, the hopeful promises, and the doting acts you think your gal deserves. Whether you're in an idealistic and caring mood or being sweet, playful, and impulsive, you're a giving partner who's eager to express how excited you are about your relationship. For you, love is all about sharing your feelings and making your significant other feel cherished. After all, the more often you reassure her of the strength of your emotions, the better, right? And you love tapping your creative side to express how much she means to you and how important you think her needs are. Congratulations, fella, you really know how to celebrate your love. 

Steve, your ideal sexual partner is a Type 2. 

Type 2 partners have lots of experience, a never-ending reserve of creativity, and the same goal as you: ultimate pleasure. Having this in common opens the door for the two of you to play with all kinds of sexual possibilities until you hit upon combinations that are blissfully and uniquely yours. 

Like you, the emotional connection — and the affection often expressed during sex — is secondary to the physical sensations for Type 2 people. That's not to say your match doesn't pay attention to your personal closeness and genuine caring, but it does tend to take a back seat to the physical feelings of pleasure. 

Your type is the Girl Next Door 

Cute, fun, and sweet, your ideal gal is just a stone's throw away — she's the Girl Next Door. She's Sandra Bullock, Doris Day, and Meg Ryan all rolled up into one. Naturally pretty rather than glamorous, she's unpretentious and generous. She loves animals and children, and is great with both. You're attracted to her strong values and traditional ways. Although she demands a lot of respect, she's not particularly high-maintenance. Her ideal date is more likely to be dinner and a movie than heading out for a night on the town. She's careful yet spontaneous — a little bit of the Guy's Girl, a smidge of Sorority Sister (the nice kind), and just a hint of the Hippie Chick. But she's got an appeal that's all her own, which is why you can't stay away. Her winning smile, bright eyes, and loving nature make you want to hold on tight and never let go. 

Passion Preludes: The Big Picture of Me 

 not necessarily promiscuous or lacks standards, but the overall answer patterns suggest that you are exceedingly sensitive to the psychological and physical elements of romance and passion, even to the point they, at times, may lack impulse control. People like this tend to love life with zeal, often living in the moment and trying not to let experiences pass them by, with many having engaged in a wider range of sexual behaviors, sometimes with a number of different partners. Someone like this is bound to be gregarious and flirtatious in public, becoming extremely sensual and wildly uninhibited behind closed doors. In fact, these individuals are among the most passionate of people when the timing is right. 

What Makes This Type So Attractive? Those of high seducability can be absolute elixirs in and of themselves, with many drawn to this sort for their… 

 Uninhibited nature. Fun, fun-loving, and provocative, this type is very adventurous and erotophilic, open to trying new things, with many “closeted kinks” when it comes to sexual experimentation. 

• Lust for the sensual and the act of seduction. Not to be stigmatized as players necessarily, this sort loves anything that entertains their intellect, including the sexual, and that involves pleasure, including the potential for even greater pleasure. 

• Ability to be fabulous, hopeless flirts. Whether coy, up for tit for tat discourse, or clever in dishing out the flattery, this sort is alluring in their ability to be suggestive and fearless in expressing interest.

• Their sensitivity and moodiness. A bit theatrical at times, and not afraid to express themselves in many ways, this sort will always keep you entertained, amusing woo’ers who know how to handle it. 

Bottom Line: While this type can be into all sorts of high stimuli, becoming easily aroused, don’t assume that their ability to realize their highest sexual self on a physical level translates into being able to do that on an emotional or spiritual level in the boudoir, If this is what you’re after you may be disappointed. Rather allow yourself to be allured, recognizing that much of what they do is based on their need to be pleased, their desire to be liked and loved, their need to impress, and a deep-seated vulnerability when it comes to being intimate with another.

You know what you like, you do it, and its so damn good. For you, sex is all about finding compatibility to your.... unique tastes. And once you do... Oh.... Oh, its ON.

You're highly intelligent, empathetic, intuitive and love pleasure for the sake of pleasure! Like humans, dolphins are known to have sex for reasons completely unrelated to reproduction. You can be very passionate and sexually aggressive but you're also deeply emotional and easily fall in love. You thrive in relationships and you are a master of healthy communication. It's difficult for you to be satisfied sexually with one partner, but your need for love and companionship usually keeps you grounded and loyal!

Sexuality! What Should You Teach? Sex Education is your thing, and you've probably known it deep down all along!

You are fun, creative, and have a positive approach to life. You also have a good command of sexuality, and the willingness to discuses viewpoints other than your own. Above all, you've got that aura of self-confidence. You should really go for it.

This really tops our boldest expectations! We knew the score would be hot, but your score makes even the sun melt! Everything about you is just perfect! Your lips! Your eyes! Your body! And especially your personality! One just has to fall in love with you! While we recover from this shock, you can share this result with your friends and blow their minds just like you blew ours!

Beije-me agora! Give me a kiss! Your sexual appetite is Brazilian! You exude sexual energy and passion with your every movement. You're an extrovert, an irresistible dancer, a passionate cook, a lover at heart that just won't take no for an answer. You're incredibly comfortable in your sexuality and you know how to have fun! Yes, FUN!

COMFY as can be.
I hope you're enjoying yourself on your couch of awesomeness!

You are as comfortable as can be! Maybe sometimes you'll have a few minor questions, maybe even a flicker of interested here and there - but you know precisely what you're attracted to. You don’t need the reaffirmation of the people around you, even if they will share their opinions with you anyway.

You are not bothered be trivial matters and are very much in touch with your sexuality. It takes someone who is comfortable in their own sexuality to truly accept people of other sexualities – and you have no problem there!

This means that you are patient and driven. You know that the best way to live life to the fullest is to let people do what makes them happy and it's a beauty thing!

Oh, no… no! Don’t get up on my account! Let’s watch a movie on the great couch of metaphorical confines!

your sex anthem is CLOSER by Nine inch nails.... This song is not safe for work. But oh man is it not f^#&!ng awesome. The deep, driving beat and funk undertones to this ultimately sexy punk rock classic speak to your sex drive like no other song. You know what you like, you do it, and its so damn good. For you, sex is all about finding compatibility to your.... unique tastes. And once you do... Oh.... Oh, its ON.

You are a 0 on the Kinsey scale meaning that you are exclusively attracted to members of the opposite sex and have never had any sexual experiences or fantasies about the opposite gender. You prefer to stick solely with the opposite sex and are not likely to experience any bisexual or homosexual encounters in the future.

You would be extremely compatible with someone 7 years younger than you! You are very wise and responsible, always looking out for the people around you. You grew up way too fast and didn't necessarily get to experience all the joys of childhood, so you crave a partner with a jovial and youthful spirit to keep you young and optimistic.

You don't have a secret aura, you already know all your personalities. You don't need to discover it.

Within the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, your spiritual awareness level is Binah

For you, the path to understanding is about developing ideas (or elaborating from others) and placing them into action. Your mission at this current stage of your spiritual self is to become congruent with what you know and how you behave or follow through. Finding your true execution form that expands your knowledge through personal and interactional experience is how you learn and elevate through the mystical tree’s branches with the help of deductive reasoning, predisposed wisdom, and contemplation. You may find yourself in a position of reflection, allowing yourself to be enhanced by hope of the future and accomplishments of the past.

You are Powerfully Charismatic! You're a natural born leader with a commanding presence, offering inspiration and action as a two-part gift to others. You're usually a very perceptive individual and you have a knack for articulating your thoughts well- this is why people believe you to make so much sense and know you speak the truth. As a decisive person, you're often in charge of your social circle and work or school projects. We're betting it's because you're an easy person to follow, and the best to team up with when wanting to making a big impact or lasting change.

Deeper Purpose, meaning, significance, and inspiration, these are the things you seek more than anything else. You long to find something deeper to drive you towards your goals. Without this deeper motivation in life, you don't feel grounded or connected to yourself. It is time for you to reach out and find out what this deeper meaning that will drive you, is.

You’re incredibly observant. You are very alert and have strong instincts. You are able to read people’s emotions and make sense of the way they are feeling in an instant. You don’t miss a beat and it is hard to get much past you! Have you ever thought about working as a detective?

Your independent and resourceful nature has been a guiding force for you throughout your life.
You have always been making decisions on your own, planning your future and helping others.
You tend to think about every small detail before you make plans, and that can sometimes make people think that you are a little negative.
Try to relax sometimes and get out of your comfort zone. It could really improve our life.

Your most dominant type of imagination is your fantasy imagination. You mind creates and develops stories, pictures, poems, plays and other vivid imagery constantly. You are always escaping to other worlds and dimensions in your head. You have the gift of originality and love expressing yourself through different artistic channels. You perceive the world around you a little more colorfully and interestingly than most, your fantastical imagination is limitless.

You have the thirst for knowledge that most people can't even dream about!
You have a very developed brain, one that always craves for challenge.
Since you were little, you've always known that you were smarter than the people around you, but you were very modest about it. You used your wisdom to help others, challenge them and make them strive to know more.
Now that you are an adult, you use your brain to investigate life's true meaning.
All you have to do now is to pass on that knowledge to someone special in your life!

The Quirky Eccentric

you're the quirky eccentric! Let's call a spade a spade. You've always been a bit of an odd ball, but that's exactly what you pride yourself on being deep down. Sometimes you may be frustrated with how easily others misunderstand you, but you love being unique. You stand out and your creative inner world is a playground for your impressive imagination. You're an eclectic spirit and you've probably always felt like an "old soul". No matter what you do in life, there will always be an eccentric and fascinating world of ideas, thoughts and emotions just beneath the surface! You are truly one of a kind!

To say you’re unique would be an understatement. You’re definitely one of a kind. You have some interesting theories on life. You leave yourself open to whatever might happen, and often times pretty amazing things take place. You like unusual facts. You are operating at a whole other wavelength. Very few people truly get you and that’s perfectly fine with you.

You are a true lifesaver and a wonderful human being. You have been an unsung hero for so many people in your life. You've done amazing things for others without ever asking for a return. You've been a voice for the voiceless, and a true champion of altruism. You also respect those who have different perspectives. That qualities that most of us lack, you have maintained gracefully. It's not far-fetched to say you've already won at life!

Congratulations! You're a polymath! People who are high in both thinking styles are Renaissance people. You have the brains of a scientist and the sensibilities of a poet. In other words you have the positive features of both thinking styles and do not have their negative features because they are kept under control by the other thinking styles!

The most important person in your life is your significant other!

Most of us have family and really close friends - they have the advantage to become the most important people in our lives. So when the lover-husband-wife-partner or whatever you wanna call it, becomes "our-person", it means that we really have a special and strong connection with them.
Your significant other completes you, they know how you feel- before you even know it (and vice versa). They lavish you with love but give you space when you need it. You are a really perfect match.

You are The Best Friends Couple!

You and your significant other are completely in-tune with one another; you have the same hobbies and interests, you share inside jokes, and you can't imagine going through a day without sharing an in-depth conversation. It's totally easy for you to be in the presence of each other and quite frankly, it's like having no pressure at all on this laid back relationship. You communicate very well, but that's because you don't necessarily need to use words to tell each other what the other is thinking. You really are the perfect example of BFF4L!

Your subconscious is obsessed with the fear of letting yourself down.

The pictures you have picked suggest that from an early age, you've always had high expectations from yourself. You were a very smart kid who grew up to be a very sensitive and clever adult. You have a lot of goals you wish to accomplish in life but also a constant fear of failing.
Your subconscious is always reminding you what will happen if and when you’ll fail, what will the repercussions be and how people would react to that.
We can give you this tiny advice: Think of that fear as fuel, and use it to nourish your mind and body. Prove to yourself that you can do anything you want, and that fear is just there to make sure you accomplish your goals. We know you'll make it!

your dominant personality trait is FULFILLMENT

Your life thus far has been one of deep inner exploration, focused on developing your character and finding your gifts. Sometimes your goals feel larger than this world, because you seek something greater than the tangible gifts of a successful career or a beautiful home. You want to make a difference, to lead a life that is driven by values and a cause. You seek to satisfy your soul and not just your body. The path to fulfillment is winding and evasive, but you are intent on barreling down it at full speed. You will not allow anything to deter you from being your truest, best, and most perfected version of yourself!

Your subconscious is hiding a profound joy! The Tarot reveal that at your core you're incredibly happy and optimistic! You may have had some challenges or difficult circumstances that have gotten you a bit down, but it's time to reconnect to your true, joyful nature because it's shining through! The stars are aligned in your favor and ready to bring you lots of happiness and laughter. Are you ready? Be open, never hesitate to smile and reveal your blissful inner happiness! The world definitely needs more joy; we're so lucky that we have you to give us some!

You are not scared of anything!

Sure, you are cautious, but you don't let fear lead the show. You live your life the way you WANT, without over-thinking and restricting yourself.
You still act responsibly and make sure no one gets hurt because of your actions - and that fearless-responsible way of living is just perfect!

you're a real life Tarzan! While you might find it difficult at first to live without friends, a smartphone or your favorite food, you could quickly adapt to life that´s completely in sync with nature. And you´re not alone after all: monkeys are funnier than you might think! Yiihaaa!

One with nature and all of its children, your soul originates within Mother Earth. Vast vistas of Earth's pure beauty make your heart sing, and bring the very essence of your being into an experience that can only be described as "pure bliss". You do not identify with most of humanity and the inconsequential anomalies we've chosen to focus on as a species, rather - your home is the soil... the sand... the forest... the ocean. Life is most beautiful in its purest form, and this is exactly where you come from. You are the fruit of Gaia herself, the offspring of the very mother who gives us all life!

You can take frustration and disappointments even-evenhandedly, but the second someone crosses the line, your emotions get the better of you. You're never quite sure when the beast will come out. It can happen over an insignificant and poorly-timed comment and other times it will stay dormant in even the most trying circumstances. This tendency clearly comes from your passion and desire for the world to be ideal. You want the world to function properly, you want your friends to be perfect, and your love to always be passionate, and when these fail you, it frustrates you to no end.

You have a deep and honest sense of helpfulness, thoughtfulness, and perspective. Even as a child, you were wise beyond your years. You are highly perceptive and you often understand things in a way others can't. Still, what's most remarkable about you is that you give back more than you take in. You can be a trusted source of guidance -- one who's a great example and one who's certainly on the road of enlightenment.

You are a one-of-a-kind creature who's always fascinating. You have a mystical persona that is intriguing and always enjoyable. You're a rare jewel.

You value knowledge, intellect and thoughtful discussion about the world around you, As an INTJ personality, you are highly intelligent as well as logical in your way of thinking. Your gift of intuition and passion for knowledge make you a cynical realist and a hopeful idealist at the same time in your philosophy on life, but you simply don't have time for unapologetic nonsense.

Based on your answers and the latest scientific research on longevity and health you're going to live to a ripe old age! You'll make it to 120 years old! You will live much longer than your peers and you'll have very few major health issues as you get older. Your calm, relaxed and gentle approach to life leaves you with little stress and few worries. You will enjoy a happy and fulfilling life until the end!

Has anyone ever told you how wonderful you are? You have been an unsung hero for so many people in your life. You've done great things without ever asking for a return. You not only stand up for what you believe in, but you also stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. You respect those who have different perspectives. That qualities that most of us lack, you have maintained gracefully. It's not far-fetched to say you've already won at life!

Has anyone ever told you 'you're too nice'? That's because you just might be! Don't take it the wrong way, kindness is sorely lacking in the world and no act of kindness, however big or small, is ever wasted. But sometimes you have to stick up for yourself and not let others take you for granted! Just find that happy balance between your kind heart and a stern hand. Use your kindness to help and teach others and you will be just fine!


The great thing about you is that you aren't picky. You're not looking to make a dog fit your needs, you just want a loving companion who will always be there for you.

You're willing to be adaptable and work hard to make your new dog as happy as possible. Any kind of dog is right for you because you're willing to love them, and work with them! 

Your IQ score is 138

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on  IQ test.

The even better news is that  we've taken your IQ test one step further. During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical.We were able to analyze how you did on each set of those questions,which allows us to shed light on the way your brain uniquely functions.

At the same time, we compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your 

Intellectual Type is a Word Warrior.

The first thing we can tell you about that is you are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level. But that's just scratching the surface.


steve,your unconscious mind is driven most by Imagination

This means you have a deep desire to use innovative ideas to enhance your life and influence the world around you. This drive influences you far more than you may realize on a conscious level.

Your need to be innovative drives how you look at new opportunities and the kinds of experiences in life you choose to have. On an unconscious level, the reason you may be so driven by imagination is your fear of destruction, the opposite of creation. When you are unable to create due to restrictions imposed by your environment or even ones you unwittingly impose on yourself, do you feel trapped or confined? You may find these feelings of unease only get better when you find another outlet for your imagination.

With such a strong creative orientation, you are willing to entertain abroad spectrum of ideas at any given time. The world is a fuller,richer place because you can contribute new ideas to any experience.Your natural curiosity inspires those around you and encourages them to come up with ideas they wouldn't have thought of without your help.


steve, you're a ChosenOne!

Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types -your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Chosen One which means you are a Golden / Seeker. Your primary sub-type is defined by "Golden" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Seeker" characteristics.

That means you're warm, giving, knowing, and patient. Chances are you're not afraid to actively pursue your goals and dreams. As if all that weren't enough, you pretty much set the standard for emotional health by being filled with positive feelings and energy.

How do we know all this? How do we know that you'd be a great person in an emergency? Or that you always return phone calls? How could we have divined that you're no fair-weather friend?

Because while you were taking the test, you answered four different types of questions — questions that measured confidence, apprehension,willingness to take risks, and your focus on experience versus appearance — the primary traits that determine your personality.Based on your responses, we determined your personality type, Chosen One.

steve,your career personality type is INTJ

That means that based on the standard measure of personality traits, you have a quiet determination and sharp mind — you're very focused and buckle down when it comes to work. You are the type of person one looks to in a crisis. While others may provide emotional support in a situation, your clear and logical thinking allows you to solve the problem at hand.

You are adaptable and can work independently or on a team. You are a careful thinker and get all the details before making any decisions.You don't jump to conclusions and stick with the facts provided. In other words, you're the go-to person for the real story, not the spin or gossip. While others may view you as a bit stubborn at times, they begrudgingly respect your ethics and straightforward approach.

The reason employers and recruiters might be on the lookout for you is that only about 7% of the U.S. population shares the unique characteristics of your personality type. Research shows that businesses succeed when employers create a good balance of personality types in the office. And since only 7% of the U.S. population shares your type, that means employers are looking for you.

Enneagram types

steve,you're a Type 5 - The Experimenter

Friends,family, and colleagues probably appreciate your probing intelligence and open-minded approach to life. They're also apt to know that when they come to you with a problem, you can be counted on to give them a carefully considered answer based on keen observations. As an Experimenter, you're likely to be seen as a capable and competent individual with a visionary outlook.

Being a member of this type puts you in good company. Renowned painter Georgia O'Keefe, with her reclusive nature and intense focus on her craft, and Albert Einstein, with his groundbreaking theorems and unprecedented view of the space-time continuum, were also Type 5s.

This means that compared to the eight other Enneagram types, you have a strong sense of perception as well as a curious and innovative mind. In fact, like many Experimenters, you have a strong drive to understand how things work.

steve, your true talent is spatialability

This ability to visualize objects in three-dimensional space can give you a unique view of the world. You appear to understand how figures can be manipulated and take on new forms. Because of this talent, you can probably imagine new designs easily, including anything from floor plans to page layouts — and even 3D product prototypes.

People like you are usually great when it comes to putting together assemble-it-yourself furniture or other household items — whether the items arrive with instructions or not. Your spatial skills can also help you understand the finer points of how things work.

How do we know that your true talent is spatial ability? While you were taking the test, we calculated your responses to each test question,and noticed that, relative to others, you consistently answered questions that measure spatial ability correctly.

The test you've just taken is a short version of the Five Factor model of identity. Among psychology experts, this approach has become broadly accepted for its accuracy and consistency. The five dimensions in this model give a complete description of your personality traits: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Negative Emotionality.

steve,your secret to success is to be Proactive

You are a born leader with a take-charge attitude. Unlike many people who believe problems will simply go away if you give them enough time,you're one to tackle the obstacles in your path head-on.

Part of being proactive means you can aggressively anticipate the future and work to shape it according to your desires. You don't wait for things to happen; you make things happen, which is why you also tend to find yourself in a position of responsibility.

Also,because of your quick mind and ability to strategize, you can keep yourself two steps ahead of everyone else when it comes to executing plans or anticipating future actions. These characteristics help you rise to positions of authority where others can more fully appreciate your drive and direction. Unlike many people, you can be a master trouble-shooter and have a great deal of faith in your abilities. As a result, at work the words, I can't, probably don't come out of your mouth very often. Because you're proactive, it's likely that you know one secret to success is empowering yourself from within rather than focusing on others' opinions.

OpennessTo Experience

Your high score in the Openness category means that you probably have a strong creative streak. Your broad intellectual curiosity and your interest in the various arts set you apart. Some people may consider you somewhat of a dreamer, and your taste for variety often means moving quickly on to the next experience. This tendency makes you appear a bit flighty and inconsistent. But these elements of your personality simply reflect a character full of new ideas and charged with emotions.


Your high score in the Conscientiousness category means that you feel a strong compulsion towards duty and responsibility. You are probably a very organized person, and pride yourself on your professional competence. Work is a very high priority in your life, and defines your vision of success. You have a careful attitude towards making decisions, and think them through carefully. With such a strong conscience, and a devotion to accomplishment, it's likely that you'reconsidered extremely dependable.


Your medium score in the Extraversion category defines your social identity. You are probably comfortable in either a crowd or by yourself, and spending time alone or with company is equally enjoyable. When among others, you tend to stand in the foreground, although you may not always wish to take the position of a leader. Instead, you seem to prefer moving between the role of leader and follower, as the situation requires. You probably keep a moderately active social life; you're generally on the lookout for excitement, but certainly don't require it. You tend to keep a fairly positive emotional outlook, and people can usually count on your for some good cheer.


The Agreeableness category refers to your social disposition. Your high score indicates your tendency to forego your own desires for the sake of others - sometimes to a fault. You are probably known as a kind and modest person who is willing to overlook your own needs for the interest of the group. You believe in creating harmony among people,to the point where you can sometimes act a bit dependent. With your straightforward style of communication and your sentimental nature, this isn't hard for you. You tend to see the world by the light you cast - as honest and genuine.

Negative Emotionality

Negative Emotionality refers to your emotional reactivity. Your medium score means that you're someone who negotiates your emotions depending on your situation. Sometimes you may feel quite sensitive and emotional, while other times you may remain resilient to outside pressures. This quality of adaptation best describes your emotional character. You maintain a rational outlook, which is moderated by feelings. For example, you can sometimes feel sad, stressed, worried or embarrassed under the weight of a situation, but you are able to act quite calm and reserved, without yielding to the stress. Responsive, without being overly reactive, is the best way to describe you.

steve,the Right Job for you will allow you to be:

Analytical and Creative

As an Analytical type, you don't want to be limited by established rules and regulations. Your inquisitive nature demands that you sometimes question authority. Otherwise, you might not be able to find fresh approaches, or come up with new solutions to a problem. It's not that you act without weighing the pros and cons of a situation — it's more that you're more willing than others to take justifiable risks if they'll further your career success.

You're smart enough to know when you need help and are confident enough in your abilities to ask for it. You understand that sometimes there are no clear right and wrong answers, and that's just fine with you because you tolerate gray areas better than most. In fact, pondering potential outcomes can sometimes be more interesting than coming up with the definitive solution for you.

Your right job doesn't have to be about self-expression, but it needs to be a job you can be proud of. Want to know what your #1 right job is?


steve,your Emotional IQ is 121.

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Emotional IQ test. But your Emotional IQ score is much more than just a number: it's an indicator of success.

Research has shown that people with high emotional intelligence scores — not necessarily those with the highest IQ scores — tend to be the most valued and productive employees and have the longest and happiest romantic relationships.

So,where are you most emotionally smart? Your test results show that your strongest suit is empathy— your ability to see things from someone else's point of view.

What's Your Emotional Age?


There are countless reasons why people may act or feel a certain age at any given point in their lives. Feeling a certain age is not a static thing, nor is it something that always follows a pre-determined pattern. Some people act older when they are children then have a second childhood in their retirement years. Others act like children until they become parents and then seem to click into a different mode. It can be helpful and insightful to learn which stage you're at right now, and why.

Nobody fits neatly into a given category. There are several components in your emotional age: behavior, emotion, and responsibility. In the area of behavior, you seem to fall very clearly into the "mature"category. There is no doubt that others can rely on you and that your behavior is probably consistent and dependable. This is great, but it probably also means that you don't allow yourself to have too much fun or act "outside the box." Most of your actions might be dictated by how they are going to affect other people. Basically, you might want to lighten up a little.

Try to focus more on your own feelings. And, most of all -- have a little fun!


In the realm of emotions, you seem to fall into the "kid"category. This means that you probably express your emotions instinctively. In many ways that's great, because you are in touch with your feelings. You're probably considered open and honest by those around you. But it can also mean that you practice little control over your public expression. Being an emotional "kid"can also indicate insensitivity to the needs of others. Children are naturally emotionally self-absorbed and tend to not be aware of the effect their actions have on others. It's a two-sided coin. Allowing your emotions to surface is a wonderful healing process, but it's important to control when and where these "expressions"occur.


When it comes to the level of responsibility you assume, for yourself or others, you fall into the "adult" category. This means that you are probably someone who can be relied on to come through in any situation. People around you likely consider you dependable and strong. Don't let your dominant care-taking side force you to neglect your own needs. Keep a healthy balance and continue to take care of yourself too.

steve,you're happier than 90 percent of the other people who took the Happiness Test.

How do  experts know this? Because they measured your overall happiness level in relation to other test takers. To do this, they examined your attitudes and behaviors in the seven proven areas of life that are known to determine your happiness: Contentment,Confidence, Gratitude, Personal Growth, Cheerfulness, Relationships,and Optimism.

For example, your test results show that your level of personal growth is one of the things that helps you feel happier overall. This means hat for the most part you are actively focused both on exploring yourself and expanding your life's impact. You may also tend to view your existence as a glorious work in progress. Being guided by this strong sense of purpose can help you feel capable of changing things for the better, for yourself as well as for others.

While your personal growth has a positive impact on how happy you are, it's still not the biggest factor that affects your overall happiness. Want to know which area of your life makes you the happiest?

steve,your values help make you a Forgiving Humanitarian

You appear to be highly forgiving of yourself and others. Perhaps this tendency comes from an understanding that everyone makes mistakes from time to time or that making errors is a natural part of life.You may also feel that people usually have good reasons for the things that they do, so who are you to judge? Your nonjudgmental nature and willingness to see the gray areas that affect people's behaviors can make others feel comfortable around you. However, it may not make you a favorite of types who think there is never a good reason to bend or break the law.

steve,when it comes to psychic abilities, 

you have an unusually strong talent in the area of Remote Viewing

This means you have an uncanny ability to travel great distances with your mind, to virtually any location, and actually get a true glimpse at what is located there. The best conditions for traveling space with your mind, or remotely viewing another location, are silence and a calm state of mind. Even without these conditions, you managed to show considerable talent in this area, which is called remote viewing. This skill is phenomenally valuable and has been used by institutions such as the government to help in covert operations designed to retrieve information about the whereabouts of a criminal or to learn about the operations of another country. But mostly this can help in practical, everyday ways, such as instinctively grabbing an umbrella before making a trip to the next town over even though you had no way of knowing that it was raining there.

steve,your destiny is to be a Leader

Whether you know it or not, this is the role that is most in tune with who you are at your core. As a Leader, you are an imaginative problem-solver who values useful ideas that work efficiently toward well-defined goals. You possess strong planning skills, are particularly adept at recognizing possible problems, and can deftly create contingency plans to manage the situation. You are a thoughtful person and trust your gut feeling about things. Even though you tend to be reserved, you have a strong will, are decisive,and uncomfortable when things are unsettled. You exude a quiet strength, and when others want something done right, you are often the one that they turn to. It is important to remember that if you want to continue to have this effect on people you should watch out for your tendency to be overly logical at times and to ignore the human beings around you. While you would never try to call attention to yourself, others admire your thoughtful decision-making skills and our sense of duty.


Wondering what to do with your life? Why not help Dionne Warwick get the Psychic Friends Network back off the ground? Your sixth sense is pretty powerful, so you'd be perfect for the job. You may not see dead people (and to be honest, who besides that little kid in the movies really does?) or pick winning lottery numbers every time, but you definitely know when to go with your gut. Intuition is often just a matter of keeping calm enough to listen to your inner feelings. In this hectic world, sometimes it's hard to catch anything besides"feed me" or "watch out for that car!" But you've got it all figured out. After all, just knowing that you should cancel plans or get out of a dead-end relationship is when being naturally intuitive really comes in handy. It's been said that humans are the only animals who train themselves not to trust their instincts, so we applaud you for bucking society's trend. Keep listening to that little voice in your belly — it'll rarely lead you in the wrong direction.


You're brown, a credible, stable color that's reminiscent of fine wood, rich leather, and wistful melancholy. Most likely, you're a logical,practical person ruled more by your head than your heart. With your inquisitive mind and insatiable curiosity, you're probably a great problem solver. And you always gather all of the facts before coming to a timely, informed decision. Easily intrigued, you're constantly finding new ways to challenge your mind, whether it's by reading the newspaper, playing a trivia game, or composing a piece of music.Brown is an impartial, neutral color, which means you tend to see the difference between fact and opinion easily and are open to many points of view. Trustworthy and steady, you really are a brown at heart.

Introduction to Agreeableness This section of your profile describes your interactions with other people. The ways we communicate our feelings, beliefs and ideas to others are influenced by our cultural backgrounds, the way we were raised, and sometimes which side of the bed we got up on this morning. Some of us are very mindful of others making decisions we hope will be in their best interests, even if it means sometimes neglecting our own interests. Others of us believe each person should be responsible for themselves, taking deep pride in our own character and independence with a firm belief that others are best served by doing the same. The following describes how you engage with others; illustrating the dimension of your personality that determines your independence or your desire to reach out and touch others in meaningful ways. You are best described as: CONSISTENTLY TAKING CARE OF OTHERS  Words that describe you: Sympathetic Trusting Altruistic  Selfless Tenderhearted Compassionate  Straightforward Deferential Generous   A General Description of How You Interact with Others "What can I do for you?" These words probably feel very natural to you. More than most people, you are genuinely interested in the well-being of others. If they are in trouble, you offer compassion and go out of your way to be helpful. If they need someone who will listen, you are attentive, trustworthy and sympathetic. And you are direct with them; when they need advice or counsel, you offer it in as straightforward and direct a manner as you can.There may even be times when you put others' needs in front of your own. And you do so without the expectation of some reward or recognition. Yours is a different kind of compassion; you are genuinely tenderhearted and take pleasure in helping others while expecting little or nothing in return. For you, it's not tit-for-tat, you truly want to do things for others that will better their lives. You mean it when you ask, "What can I do for you?" Negative Reactions Others May Have Toward You Though your motives arise from genuine compassion, some people might think of you as "a little too good to be true." They could suspect that your kindness is something you use to ingratiate yourself with others or to get them to like you. Others may suspect that your altruism is a mask for your own problems; you take care of others but never let others get to know you well enough to offer you their care. Some of this suspicion may be genuine; they just can't believe you're this kind. But it may also be triggered by envy; people see in you a tenderheartedness they don't find in themselves, and it makes them uncomfortable so they take it out on you with their suspicions.Another critical response others may have may be something you want to take a serious look at. If you spend your time taking care of others, you may not have enough left to take very good care of yourself. If you're always asking, "What can I do for you?", you may not focus enough on your own needs. You're so busy taking care of others that you neglect yourself and empty your reserves of energy and good health. Like we said, give it consideration and if it doesn't fit move on.

Positive Responses Others May Have Toward You: For the most part, people will feel gifted to come across someone like you. For those you help, you will be light in the darkness, a hand up when they've fallen into a ditch. Your true graciousness and selflessness is rather rare these days and is often a breath of fresh air in this all too often dog-eat-dog world. Others will see in you the kindness that each of us seeks in life, both in our own characters and in our relationships with others. And you will become a model of that honest compassion; someone others may even look up to. Hopefully that feels okay to you.

Introduction to Openness: How firmly committed are you to the ideas and beliefs that govern your thinking and guide your behavior? Some people trust their current ideas and beliefs the way a climber trusts the mountain; whichever way they move, whether the climb is on a familiar trail or over new ground, there is something solid beneath them,something they count on. For others, new ideas, new solutions to old problems, new beliefs that replace tired convictions are like welcome wind in their sails. They can hardly wait to tack in a new direction and ride a new idea through uncharted waters. If it's new, it's interesting, and they're ready to explore. 

The following paragraphs describe your responses to new ways of thinking and believing. How do you handle new information? Are you more like the climber on a familiar mountain or a sailor with a tiller in hand and a fresh breeze to propel you? How you integrate and process new information about the world and about others is a core aspect of your personality. On the Openness Dimension you are: VERY CURIOUS  Words that describe you: Imaginative Creative Intellectual  Adventurous Unconventional Artistic  Progressive Daring Inspired   A General Description of How You Approach New Information and Experiences You are a very creative and imaginative person who is especially open to new ideas or new ways of thinking about old problems. You love to approach a conventional idea or a traditional way of doing things by walking around to the other side and explore it from a novel perspective. What's new is what interests you. Like an artist looking for a new way to see, you focus your imagination on envisioning ideas, events or problems in completely original ways. You are intellectually progressive, which means you like to think and feel your way into unexplored landscapes where you let your sense of intellectual adventure romp freely.Because you are so curious you can also be very teachableYou learn from personal and interpersonal experiences as well as from classrooms and textbooks. You crave new information, and toss and turn it in your vivid imagination. When you come across an idea from someone else or a thought in your own head that is particularly provocative or original, you light up. With wit and wisdom, Dr. Seuss describes you like this: "Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"

Negative Reactions Others May Have Toward Your Style of Thinking: Not everyone will be thrilled by your adventurous mind. Many people are content with the ideas that have served them and their culture well, and with visions they've grown accustomed to of what is and is not true. They're not lit up at the prospect of moving out of their comfort zone. Others are afraid of new ways of thinking and creative ways of solving problems because they are somewhat fragile in the sense that they have trouble maintaining serenity in their current worlds and don't want someone, like you, for instance, pushing out the edges of their intellectual and cultural cosmos. So don't be surprised if your unconventional ideas sometimes get you criticized, or if some people walk away from the explorations of new territories of the mind that you find so exhilarating.

Positive Responses Others May Have Toward You: Despite some negative responses to your style of thinking, many people will find your progressive thoughts and vivid imagination quite attractive. Some will find your openness to new ways of thinking and your willingness to explore what others shy away from a very compelling quality. Other creative souls will find in you a companion on the journey into the unknown, and will welcome the camaraderie. Conversations with them will be lively and innovative and will ignite your imagination, and theirs. Even some who are less curious than you will be impressed by your courage to think and believe what is for them unimaginable, and by your willingness to go on adventures of the mind that they would find dangerous or daunting. For these people you might become a mentor into the wilder side of thinking and believing, and nudge them toward the creative and progressive ideas that you find so interesting. 

Introduction to Emotional Stability: We're born with the capacity to feel deeply, so it's as natural as breathing to experience a range of emotions. Fear and joy and sadness, anger and shame and disgust lie somewhere within each of us. Ah, but to what extent do we control these emotions, and to what extent do they control us? How you answer this question of how your emotions play out in your life has a great deal to do with your levels of personal satisfaction and with the character of your relationships with others. Do you manage your emotions well, keeping them in check with your thinking and your willpower, or are you someone who lets emotions have their way, giving in to the wild dance of feelings? The following paragraphs describe your emotional range in terms of being a person who is emotionally steady or someone who is responsive to whatever feelings swell up in you.

On Emotional Stability you are: RESPONSIVE  Words that describe you: Open Accessible Too Sensitive  Reachable Candid Unguarded 

A General Description of Your Reactivity You are an emotional person. In some ways, we are all emotional; we feel joy, anger, sadness and fear; some of us more powerfully than others - and you more powerfully than most. Your emotions are closer to the surface, and your feelings more obvious to you than is the case with most people. You've got your life in a good place, your dominant mood is upbeat, and unless life has been particularly trying for you, you greatly enjoy the richness and intensity of life that being so open with your emotions brings you.Sure there are times when your feelings come very close to the surface, and life becomes more complicated. At these times you may grow self-conscious, or feel a bit anxious. But all in all, you much prefer being open with your emotions, breathing in all that life offers, than shutting down any part of your emotional experience. Granted, there may be times when these emotions are hard but you realize that is part of life. And more often than not you feel enriched by your emotions, by your ability to be open to all that life brings you. You know that even when you have those times that get you down, there will be even more times when you see life in ways that others just can't.

Negative Reactions Others May Have Toward: You Undoubtedly you have met some people who get uncomfortable being around you because your feelings are so close to the surface. They may keep a bit of distance, especially around any subject that might trigger an emotional topic they are uncomfortable with. Over time, they might even stay away from you more and more. You will find you have decisions to make; do you temper your style for their comfort or do you hope they will find ways to become more comfortable with emotional expressions? Given the richness that seems to stem from your emotional life the most meaningful response is probably very apparent to you. 

Positive Responses Others May Have Toward You:  You are a cherished companion for those friends who can handle emotions well. They will appreciate the candor with which you express even difficult feelings like anger and fear. Your openness will make intimate conversations even more intimate, and make the connections between you as friends deeper and stronger. Some people who have trouble expressing their feelings might find in you a good example of how to be more vulnerable and more open. Your willingness and ability to share your emotions could encourage them to share theirs, and invite them into ways of being friends that will help enrich their lives. 

Introduction to Conscientiousness: It's a work day, breakfast is over, and you're dressed and ready. So how will you approach the tasks at hand? Some people work best with a clear schedule, a set of priorities and a due date for every step in the process. Others are, shall we say, less regimented. They approach a task with as much imagination as organization, and with a willingness to bend and modify in order to exercise some urge of creativity. How about you? Do you walk in a straight line toward a clear goal, or are you more likely to dance your way down whatever path will get you wherever it is you're headed?

 The following paragraphs describe ways in which you approach the tasks life brings to you, and to what extent you are focused or flexible in how you choose to proceed.

 Your approach toward your obligations is: FOCUSED  Words that describe you: Deliberate Careful Regimented  Determined Proactive Obliged  Methodical Perfectionist Purposeful 

 A General Description of How You Interact with Others Everybody knows they can count on you to do what you promise to do, be where you say you'll be "on time" and finish what you start. If you say you'll chair the committee, you'll come with an agenda and a clear outline of the tasks to be accomplished, give everyone a chance to speak their minds, and then call for a vote on each issue, schedule the next meeting, hand out assignments and adjourn at the appointed time. You like order and discipline, and use these to methodically accomplish whatever goals you have set for yourself and for others. And you have a strong sense of obligation if you accept responsibility, you are proactive; you take it on with a single-minded commitment, as if you've pledged your allegiance to the assigned task. People know that they can depend on you. 

Your personal life is also one of order and discipline. You are likely to have a pretty firm schedule, and to stick to it. You make time for your friends, but not at the expense of your work duties. You can be talkative and funny in social situations, but seldom out of control. In fact, you are pretty careful; you seldom, if ever, cross the line into impulsive behavior, and you are even careful to control how much of your inner world you disclose, even to your close friends. You keep yourself in check because you don't want whatever mess might be inside you to leak out into conversation or make a mess of a relationship. There are things to accomplish in life, both at work and in your social world, and you don't want to let unnecessary clutter hamper your drive to get all of it done, and done well.

Negative Reactions Others May Have Toward You: It's not hard to imagine one of your friends or colleagues saying, probably under their breath, "Just once I wish you'd be late to something, or wear the wrong clothes, or trip over your own feet. You seem so tightly put together that, just once, I'd like to see you explode, in laughter or anger or . . . anything." In part, they may be envious. You get so much done, and done so well, that they might feel they never measure up. Your discipline and sense of duty put them to shame. But it may also be that they sense that beneath that single-minded and orderly demeanor of yours is a complex and sometimes complicated person whom they'd like to know, not so they can make fun of you but so they can share their perplexed humanity with you and get you to share your complexity with them. They might wish you were less cautious, and therefore, more accessible to their friendship. 

Positive Responses Others May Have Toward You: "If we want something done, we know whom to call." Most of your friends and colleagues will learn to count on you, and they will appreciate you for this reliability. If they get off track in a work situation, they'll turn to you because they know you've got the goal clearly in view and you're moving toward it with that characteristic discipline of yours. You'll help get them back on track. If they need a personal friend to count on, they know you'll show up when you say you'll be there, dig in to whatever the common task is, whether it's planning a party, organizing the garage, or working through a financial mess, and see it through to completion. For anyone in trouble, you are the proverbial "friend in need". Many of your friends will see you as an example that they seek to emulate. When they get disorderly or disorganized, they can watch how you live and work, and find in you a mentor in self-discipline. They might well admire not just your ability to get to the goal or your single-minded drive, but also the underlying quality of your character; they will see your sense of duty to yourself, to life's tasks, and to your friendships, and admire and imitate these qualities in you. Your focused life will be a guide to them when they get themselves so out of focus that they don't know where they're going.

Introduction to introversion: Some days you want to hang out by yourself, not answer the phone, and make the world go away. The next day you e-mail everyone, schedule lunch with a friend, and try to find an evening gathering to take part in. It may be the phases of the moon, or something you ate; some days are just like that. In actuality, your desire to be with others or to be alone reflects something deep in your personality. Some of us are more comfortable by ourselves or with one or two friends, while others of us crave the crowd and can't stand it when the house is empty or the phone doesn't ring. The following paragraphs describe your fundamental desires about being with other people; whether you are generally an outgoing person or more reserved, if you seek adventures with others, if you tend toward assertiveness or kindness.

 When it comes to Extraversion you are: OUTGOING Words that describe you: Friendly Gregarious Full of Life  Unreserved Kindhearted Talkative  Emotional Spontaneous Vigorous  A General Description of How You Interact with Others People light you up. In conversations, planning meetings or almost any social situation, you bring your energy and your friendly, outgoing personality into these engagements with other people, and you come away pumped up. You can hardly wait for the next event, as long as other people will be there. And you're good at it. You know how to communicate. You listen well, the first rule of good communication, and then, when it's your turn, you talk vigorously and with animation; in your uninhibited way you give all that you've got to the encounter. In situations where you feel very safe, when you know and trust the people you're with, you can be very kindhearted and unrestrained. You let your affection for and pleasure in being with others flow freely. You're wide open And when you get back this same kind of unrestrained warmth, you are deeply satisfied. Because you are so friendly and full of life, these are among your favorite moments.

 Negative Reactions Others May Have Toward You: As much as you like being with other people, not everyone will like being with you. Hard to believe, but your gregarious and warm manner is not everyone's cup of tea. Some people are more cautious than you in personal encounters; others think the work place should be more formal, more impersonal than is comfortable for you. Still others, who may want more of the spotlight, will find you too much to compete with once you get your lively and outgoing self in motion. Here's another word of caution. You've been at this warm and open way of relating for a while, but for some people it's a brand new experience. They may be protecting something inside themselves, some fear or guilt or shame, or some private part of their story that they're not yet ready to share. Your openness might threaten them, and they'll take a step back and be reluctant the next time to engage you in the kind of exchange you find so easy and satisfying but they find so dangerous.

Positive Responses Others May Have Toward You:  Many people, most probably, will be glad to be in the room you're in. At work you make the environment livelier and the banter more interesting, so the time moves swiftly and the experience is a happier one. At home you keep everyone connected because you engage each of them in the conversational action, and as a result they are more connected as well with one another. You make home a warmer and more interesting place for everyone who lives there. You might also be helpful to some people. There are those who need to talk but aren't very good at it. They don't know how to begin the kind of conversation that would allow them to share whatever is in their personal stories that they'd like or need to talk about. You could make that easier for them with your way with words. Some people just need an example and a little encouragement to come out of their shell and get into the greater fun and personal connectedness that will make their lives so much more satisfying. Again, you might be just the right person to make that happen for them. So almost everyone will be glad to be with you, you make life more interesting for those you live and work with, and you could help some of your friends who need just a little encouragement to open up and find in themselves the kinds of energetic and warm connections that you thrive on. Not that you are a pushover; in fact, you are often quite assertive. In taking care of yourself you also make sure that others are engaged and energized. 
